Saturday, February 28, 2015

It's not just a movie for me

Well, what can a movie do to you? It can make you laugh or cry or cringe. Or, possibly ruin your entire day. It can also be a good tool for learning. Any movie is a result of team effort. It is possible to single out one aspect that could make a movie, an instant classic or just another one. The plot, performance, cinematography, direction, music are all key aspects that could make or break a movie. 

I have learnt may things in life from the movies. Gait, perspective, patience, art appreciation, passion for food, clothing, style, and most importantly, my English vocabulary. They keep my sanity intact in this otherwise unforgiving world of insanity. The one big negative is that it has taken away a chunk of my time, the most precious thing in this universe. The biggest positive being hope. Yes, movies have given me hope that I too can do something meaningful in life. 

I have seen a nobody become a somebody and then a somebody become a nobody in no time. It taught me how tricky that fate can be or rather how people could let themselves be undone. I have learnt to keep fighting despite the odds, and wait for my day of reckoning. Sooner, or later, it is bound to happen. 

It all starts with a single step. And, I have taken that single step. Keep walking, says, a certain Walker, and in good spirit. Now, for the proof of the pudding. Gladiator taught me patience, Rocky taught me to keep fighting, Forrest Gump, Castaway, Nightcrawler, The dark Knight have proved what sacrificing body and soul can do. 

On a end note, I'd like to say, Life is like a movie, sometimes interesting, sometimes not. The greatest thing would be to make a movie out of one's life. So, do you just watch a movie or be a movie?